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Nagarjuna Ayurveda | Panchakarma Ayurvedic Therapy Do’s & Don’ts

Nagarjuna Ayurveda


This time, it was a much-sobered down patient who asked “I hear so many conflicting claims on Panchakarma’s benefits. So which ones are the realistic effects I may expect?”

And now the doctor spoke :

Now that we’ve understood that Panchakarma simply means Five Purificatory Procedures, let us move on to some of the details of the actual treatment processes.

What Panchakarma does not do

  1. Panchakarma is not a weight loss therapy, neither should it be touted as one. Of course, all the removal of the obstructions to the chemical conversions of the dhatus, and the increase in the elimination of toxic waste will result in some physical weight loss. Only, that is not the primary objective.
  2. It is not a quick-fix remedy for an emergency, and, as was clarified earlier, cannot be rushed or shortened as per will.

What it does

  1. Panchakarma definitely frees the body of the accumulated toxic wastes, and post Panchakarma – generated dhatus are fresher,more effective functionally, and are more resistant to degeneration and disease.
  2. It is rejuvenative, to the extent that the side benefits of Panchakarma such as
    • Freedom from most digestive disorders such as gas pains, hyper-acidity, and constipation
    • Clean, supple and glowing skin as a result of enhanced blood circulation to all the extremities, or
    • A marked improvement in blood pressure and sugar levels have gained more popularity, than the more direct benefits.
  3. It is rehabilitative, and restorative, after prolonged illness, such as
    • Acute cancer chemotherapy or radiation treatment,
    • Jaundice,
    • Tuberculosis,
    • Typhoid,
    • Malaria and serious infections and viral fevers
  4. The “negation/absence”: the most important and relatively unsung benefits of Panchakarma are the disappearance of or the non-arrival of certain diseases. For example, most people would not relate
    • The spontaneous breakup of kidney/gall stones, cysts
    • Their tubal blocks being cleared,
    • The absence of fatigue, or its threshold being higher up
    • The not showing up of coughs, colds, fevers and allergies even upon exposure, or
    • The non-arrival of the wrinkles, greying and beginning of baldness that were due this year, to a certain Ayurvedic Panchakarma session they underwent earlier in the year.

How often should Panchakarma be done

Ideally, for the healthy, the requirement of Panchakarma is equivalent to the annual service that our cars go for. It is mostly done in the relatively cooler/wetter seasons for maximum benefit. For certain specific diseases of the skin, and other systemic disorders, detoxification twice a year during the specified season yields huge relief from the symptoms.

And finally the patient blurted out his biggest fear, “Doctor, would I need to undergo all of those therapies including blood-letting and vomiting as a part of the program?”

And the doctor smiled, “The kind of purification you need would depend on the nature of your disease, and what doshas contributed to its manifestation. Most people need a combination of only 2 or 3 of the Five, for their condition. Vasthi, the enema, for example takes care of almost 80% of the gamut of disorders. And so, it is entirely the discretion of the physician that decides that.”

Now, the patient looked visibly relaxed. He took a deep breath“Okay, doctor, let’s do this!”

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