Nagarjuna has developed speciality protocols
and adopted integrated and holistic approaches “to improve
the quality of life of ailing population”.
Nagarjuna Ayurveda
It is the task of the immune system to protect our inner organs and cells from harmful foreign properties like viruses and bacteria. But in many cases, the immune system gets unnecessarily aggravated at the presence of comparatively harmless substances too like pollen grains and dust, leading to allergic reactions in individuals like coughing, blocking of the nose and inflammation. Ayurveda offers deeper insight into the underlying causes of allergic reactions. Some of the reasons of allergies described in Ayurveda include weakness of digestive fire, imbalance of Vata and Pitta Doshas and increased Kapha Dosha. Correcting the Dosha imbalances and strengthening the digestive fire can remedy allergies
Making Dietary Changes Can Help
According to Ayurveda one of the root causes of allergic reaction is digestive impairment. Improper digestion makes the body sensitive to certain foreign particles like pollen and dust. Moreover, the Doshas get imbalanced in the presence of these foreign particles. Imbalance of Pitta Dosha causes toxin accumulation, resulting in allergy breakouts on the skin and inflammation. Making some positive changes in diet and lifestyle helps to reduce such allergic reactions. Ayurveda advices to drink warm water throughout the day and avoid fried foods and dairy products as much as possible. Having dinner two hours prior to bed also helps the digestion, cubing chances of allergic reactions.
Improving the Digestive Fire
Meditation is one of the keys for improving the Agni or Digestive Fire of our body. It calms the mind and helps in perceiving foreign elements as harmless substances instead of considering them as potential threats. In addition, one can try the Ujjayi or Ocean’s Breath technique that relaxes the mind and restores peace deep within. People suffering from allergies should also avoid toxic substances as much as possible to keep the Agni strong. Intake of Triphala at bedtime might help in cleansing toxic elements from the body.
Harmonizing the Doshas
Most of the common allergic symptoms like cough, nasal blockage and watery eyes are caused by the influx of Kapha Dosha. Pungent herbs such as pepper, ginger, turmeric and cinnamon can help in balancing Kapha. Nasya or Nasal Cleansing treatment can also help in this regard. Herbs that have a cooling effect such as Neem, Cilantro and Coriander are needed for correcting Pitta imbalances. Drinking herbal teas and warm drinks balances the Vata Dosha.
Ayurveda offers a comprehensive guideline for avoiding potential allergens and toxic substances for leading a healthy and allergy free life. A combination of balanced diet, meditation and breathing techniques can keep allergies under control.
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